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Operação Eurocar: quem avisa teu amigo é…

A coordenação internacional no campo da criminalidade organizada quanto ao furto, tráfico e transformação de veículos automóveis vai dar um passo, se aprovada, sob a presidência polaca, uma operação policial conjunta a nível europeu, a efectivar durante dois dias de Setembro.
«The purpose of this operation is combating and suppressing cross-border vehicle-related criminal activities by performing intensified vehicle controls (for detecting legality of origin) on access roads to the borders of Member States, on maritime borders (especially in southern and eastern directions), controls of market trading in used vehicles and their parts. The operation could also serve the purpose of identifying vehicle drivers travelling outside the EU, and making use of this information in case of subsequent reporting of stolen cars by vehicle owners which may be related to possible car insurance fraud. Apart from law enforcement services of Member States, international organisations and EU agencies such as Interpol, Europol and FRONTEX are invited to participate in this operation».
O que surpreende é o anúncio da altura em que aquela vasta operação policial vai ter lugar. A criminalidade organizada agradece.Está tudo aqui.
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